
Enter an Exam

To enter and pay for a Graded Instrumental Exam or Theory Exam/Course please go to the Make an Entry Page. Either the parent/learner or the teacher/centre can make an exam entry.

Submit an Exam

To submit an Instrumental Graded Exam via the website please go to the Submit an Exam Page.  You can also record and submit an exam using our App which can be downloaded here.

Instrumental Grades - Practical

MTB Practical Grades test your proficiency in your chosen instrument and assess a broad array of technical and musical skills. They comprise of a Recital section, Technical section and in most cases a Musicianship section.

These exams are effectively our online equivalent to the face-to-face graded exams offered by other Boards, including the performance of pieces plus all the technical and musicianship elements you would expect to find in these. MTB’s Technical and Musicianship resources are free to download from our website.

MTB Practical Grades are Ofqual regulated to the same standard as Grades from the other main boards and provide the same number of UCAS points for Grades 6-8.

To view the specific requirements for each grade and instrument visit our syllabuses page: Practical Grade Syllabuses

Or to learn more about the exams themselves click here: Instrumental Grades – Practical

Instrumental Grades - Performance

Our Performance Grades are an alternative to our Practical Grades, providing a different route to achieve the  equivalent qualification level, providing the same number of UCAS points for grades 6-8.

MTB Performance Grades assess your ability to present a recital programme. The exam consists of a performance of 4-5 pieces with a target duration. This exam is designed to replicate a live concert performance and therefore also assesses stagecraft, sense of performance and your programme. There are no technical or musicianship exercises required. MTB Exams’ Performance Grades are our equivalent to the new performance focused online exams offered by some other Boards.

To learn more click here: Instrumental Grades – Performance

Performance Diplomas

MTB’s new Performance Diplomas provide an opportunity for learners to achieve their professional qualifications.

MTB Performance Diplomas are set at two levels: an Associate of the Music Teachers’ Board (AMTB) and a Licentiate of the Music Teachers’ Board (LMTB).

AMTB: Performances at this level should demonstrate an ability equivalent to a music student who has completed their first year of undergraduate study as a music specialist.

LMTB: Performances at this level should demonstrate an ability equivalent to an undergraduate music student who has completed the final year of their course and should be of a professional standard. 

Performance Diplomas comprise a videoed recital with a Target Duration which includes a set work plus at least one other piece.

Having achieved a level of proficiency to be able to pass Grade 8, you may wish to continue studying and developing your performing ability to a higher or even professional level. The AMTB is a high level qualification demonstrating that you have a level of competency well beyond that of grade 8 and is a stepping stone to the LMTB professional level diploma. The LMTB diploma is a qualification providing reassurance to employers and to fellow musicians that you play or sing to a professional level.

To learn more click here: Performance Diplomas

Music Theory

MTB Interactive Music Theory is an exciting evolution of this area of study, allowing learners to engage with music theory in an interactive way, listening to music and placing notes on staves in the same way that composers use modern notation software.

MTB’s Music Theory offers three distinct ranges:

  • LEARN: Interactive learning courses with randomised practice questions.
  • PRACTICE: Unlimited randomised practice questions and exams.
  • EXAM: Ofqual regulated, certificated graded qualifications.

For each of these, we have a British or American theory terminology version. British versions use crotchets, minims, semitones etc. American versions use the terms quarter note, half note, half steps etc.

MTB Theory Introductory Guide

MTB’s Music Theory Courses & Practice are currently available from a Foundation to Grade 5 level with the Graded Exams available to be taken from the 15th November 2022. Grade 6-8 in all theory products are due to launch later in 2023.

MTB Music Theory has been produced in partnership with Artusi who provided the fantastic technology to make our interactive Music Theory a reality.

To learn more click here: Music Theory.

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